We are excited and looking forward to building on
7th Dec 2024
I attach the 2024 poster which has full details of the evening. I also attach the menu choices, to share with your guests.
Hotel rooms are available on the night at members rates, details to be found on the poster, and can be booked and paid for through the hotel reception.
The hotel management have generously agreed to a £5 discount on every pre booked bottle of wine. This must be paid for 10 days before the Ball
I will forward a wine list shortly with details of how to order and pay.
Please contact Kieran kieran.watson2506@gmail.com or Sarah sarahjolly2010@live.co.uk
Christmas Ball 2023
Donnington Grove Christmas Ball
Black tie event, music and dancing
Welcome drink from 7:00pm
3 Course dinner from 7:30pm
£50 per person - tables of 10
Bar closes at 11:30pm, carriages at midnight
Dinner jackets and dickie bows or lounge suit and tie for gentleman
Ball gowns, cocktail dresses or trouser suits for ladies
Dinner jackets and dickie bows or lounge suit and tie for gentleman
Ball gowns, cocktail dresses or trouser suits for ladies
Please see Andy Meredith 07821 100446, Helen Lake,
Tim Brunsden or Ann Maisey to reserve your table
Donnington Diners
The Fox @ Peasemore
A new venue for the Donnington Diners, The Fox comes highly recommended
If you would like to join the Donnington Diners at The Fox
Please email Tim Brunsden at tim.brunsden@sky.com
Limited numbers and places allocated on a first come first served basis.
Pre-order required by 29th June.
Open to members & their guests. No deposit required
Donnington Diners 25th May
@ The Plough Inn, Eastbury
Thursday 25th May 7.30pm
3 courses £35 per person
A past favourite for our May outing complete with our own menu as usual.
Well worth the extra couple of miles.
If you would like to join the Donnington Diners at The Plough Inn,
please email Tim Brunsden at tim.brunsden@sky.com
Limited numbers and places allocated on a first come first served basis. Pre-order required by 18th May. Open to members & their guests. No deposit required
Menu for the 25th May
Donnington Diners 20th April
Come & join us on Thursday 20th April 2023 at the BladeBone Inn (Chapel Row)
Next up on our gastronomic wanderings is The Bladebone Inn in Chapel Row, which has been a recent past winner of Gastro Pub of the Year from The Foods Award England.
Numbers are limited and places allocated on a first come, first served basis.
4 courses at £35pp.
Anyone interested in attending or wishing to be placed on the mailing list should contact Tim Brunsden at tim.brunsden@sky.com.
Guests welcome.
See Below for the menu and a pre-order will be required by 13th April.
Race Night
Finishing Post Results from Friday Night
The going was soft during Race Night on Friday due to the weather, but sufficient hardy souls made it to enjoy a fun and action packed evening.
Many thanks to those who sponsored the races or bought horses. The 8 winning owners were Paul Culley, Rob Hinson, Helen Lake, Giles Bennett, Paul Slatter and Toni Prince, whilst Alan Ravenhall managed the feat of winning 2 races in a row! He was last rumoured to be off to buy a lottery ticket.
All the winners received a bottle of wine.
All race sponsors (Carl Crome, Andy Storer, Rob Hinson, TC, Toni Prince & Tim Brunsden) were entered into a draw and the Ladies Captain; Toni Prince promptly drew out her own name! She graciously decided to redraw and the extremely expensive bottle of wine went to the deserving TC who as normal ably compered the auction for the last 2 races.
The night raised £158 which will be added to the Race Night account, the profits from which will go to the Captains’ charities.
Race Night
Friday 31st March 2023
7pm (1st race at 7.30pm)
Entry is free
For those who are unaware, the Race Night consists of 8 races from foreign or other obscure races shown on the TV or screen in the main bar.
There is a tote betting machine allowing you to bet on the horses. The odds are worked out by the machine depending on the amount placed on each horse.
There will be a 30 minute break after the 4th race to cater for food. This can be ordered from the bar menu at the going prices.
The subsidised food that was originally circulated has not been taken up so has been withdrawn.
Hope to see you there. It is always a fun night.
Donnington Diners
The Five Bells @ Wickham
Duncan was previously Marco Pierre White’s chef at the Yew Tree in Highclere before it was sold.
Thursday 23rd March 7.30pm
If you would like to join the Donnington Diners at The Five Bells,
Please email Tim Brunsden at tim.brunsden@sky.com
Limited numbers due to restaurant capacity. Open to members & their guests.
No deposit required
Quiz Night
Friday 24th February 7:30
Max of 6 people per Team
Food options can be ordered from the bar
Please contact Rob Hinson robbhinson@hotmail.com if you would like to enter a team.
Donnington Diners
Thursday 23rd February 2023 7:30 PM
After a fantastic evening at the Hartley Arms last month with 36 members,
the DD’s are off to The Pelican Inn at Froxfield.
Numbers are limited at this venue and places are on a first come first served basis.
Anyone interested in attending or wishing to be placed on the mailing list
should contact Tim Brunsden at tim.brunsden@sky.com.
Guests welcome. No deposit required.
A menu will be sent to those wishing to attend nearer the date for a pre-order.
Donnington Diners
Thursday 26th January 2023 - 7.30pm
Donnington Village
The DD’s will start the New Year at the Hartley Arms in Donnington Village.
Anyone interested in attending or wishing to be placed onto the mailing list
should contact Tim Brunsden at tim.brunsden@sky.com.
Guests welcome.
No deposit required.
A menu will be sent to those wishing to attend nearer the date for a pre-order.
Click the Image for more information
Donnington grove CHRISTMAS BALL
Saturday 11th December 2021 19:00 - Midnight
£40 per person which includes:
• Welcome drink on arrival
• Three Course Meal
• Coffee and Christmas Treats
• DJ until Midnight
Dress Code: Smart Casual (No Jeans)
Please contact social@donnington-grove.com to book your tickets and/or
Table (10 people)
Payment and Menu choices will be required in advance paid at the Hotel Reception or online.
Hotel Rooms are available, please book via the Hotel Reception if required to avoid disappointment.

Donnington Diners 2021
Do you enjoy good food & great company in a relaxed atmosphere?
If you are interested in the first one in July please email social@donnington-grove.com with the subject of ‘Donnington Diners’
DG Christmas Party 2019
Donnington Grove members came together for their annual Christmas Party on Saturday evening.
Over 100 guests enjoyed a welcome drink, followed by a festive 3 course dinner in the marquee.
A quick round of “Heads and Tails “ resulted in £150 being raised for the Captain’s Charity, The Rosemary Appeal. Thank you to all who contributed and well done to the winner who took home two bottles of champagne.
Many thanks to Kim Richardson for the Rosemary Appeal with her “Guess the number of marshmallows in the snowman” Kim also kindly donated a fine hamper for the closest number won by Ian Gaskell the winning quantity was 406. (Ian your hamper is in the pro-shop waiting for you)
Shakey’s Disco was very popular, as always, and the music struck a chord with the membership resulting in a packed dance floor.
The evening passed all too quickly and our thanks must go to Nigel and Kat for organising the evening on our behalf. A huge amount of background work goes into ensuring that these events run smoothly; thanks to Jo and her team for the preparation of the beautiful fairy lit marquee and in attending to all our requests during the evening and lastly a huge thank you to Simon and his team for all the hard work in preparing such a beautiful meal.
The evening was a resounding success.
Make sure you keep the date free for next year 12 Dec 2020 !