DG Club President

Andy Storer

I am at that age where, my mind still thinks I am 29, my humour suggests I am 12, while my body mostly keeps asking if I am sure I am not dead yet. In days past when I had a waist, you could find me running around a pitch chasing an odd shaped ball, please talk slowly to me I was a prop forward, we weren’t known for our intelligence back then. I was told “Sport is good for you when you’re young” in the past few years I have discovered it’s not very good for you in later years, two new hips and some scaffolding in my back goes to prove that.

I became a member of our great club 13 years ago, with believe it or not a playing handicap of 3 and a waist. This great golf course has taken its toll and I now knock it round off 12, now and again I play a few holes like I used to but not very often. I join the club committee as members rep a few years later. It was an eye-opening experience realising what goes on behind the scenes. 

I was asked to be vice-captain in 2013 which I accepted and went on to be Club Captain in 2014. I was asked to take on the role of Handicap and Competitions secretary in 2017, which I did for two years, and now, here I am as your club President.

You can find me in many places at Donnington Grove, trees, bushes, bunkers, pro-shop, but most of all you will always find me post round in the bar, after a bad round give me chance to get the first Guinness down, and then it’s safe to come and have a chat about anything you want. I will probably forget your name, too many whacks on the head in the front row, but I will always listen.

Playing golf is what it’s all about, feel free to, join me for a game, give me a call, drop me a text or e-mail if I can I will be there, if there is a space in the group in competitions put your name in. The golf may not be of the highest standard, but we will have a laugh, and that’s what we are here for after all.

Have a fantastic golfing year, but most of all “Have some Fun”


Club Captain

Kieran Watson

I have always been involved in sport and played it to a good standard. I played every sport going at school and for every team. So much so while studying my A levels this was recognised and I landed a job at Kennet sports centre where I trained and gained qualifications to coach everything from trampolining to swimming. In my own time I played a wide variety of sports whether that was Table Tennis to county standard, cricket for Thatcham and Peasemore, Hockey for Newbury in the first team for several years, or just 5 -a-side football in local leagues.

In latter years injuries to knees and ankles put pay to the football and more physical sports.

My first introduction to golf came when my grandad gave me an old 8 iron which was way too big for me, I was 9! I used to take it over the road to the moors playing fields where I would see how many shots it would take me to get across the field. At secondary school we were offered the chance to take golf in PE for a term with a lucky few chosen of which I was one. I had a terms worth of lessons at the old racecourse driving range and learnt how to swing properly. From there I continued to play without ever joining a club irregularly into my early/mid 20’s, circumstances changed I then didn’t play for around 10 years.

About 15 years ago I was on a night out with a group of friends and it turned out we all had played golf in the past so we decided to have a game. This turned into a regular weekend thing, we became golfing nomads and started our own little society. This became more and more expensive so we decided we needed to join a club. I joined Donnington Valley in 2013 and quickly became involved in club life. I was co-opted into their handicaps and competitions committee where I served for 2 years before taking up the role of chairman of the H&C committee. I fulfilled this role for an initial year before being asked to become vice captain. For the next year I carried out both roles while we looked for a suitable replacement as Chair of H&C. I became captain in April 2020 in Covid and had the job of bringing the club out of lockdown and reinstating competition in a new way. In August 2020 Donnington Valley decided they wanted to change their operation to a play and play only course and so we were homeless. The logical choice was to join Donnington Grove and it has been the best decision I have ever made. It was like moving from primary to secondary school with my Handicap dropping from 9.6 to 6.1 since joining. I quickly got involved with playing in the Concorde League side, and now act as vice captain for this team. I have also played for the Hillman Trophy team, the Kyocera team and the tri-series team. Interclub matchplay for me is my favourite form of golf and is where I have shot some of my best ever rounds.

Whether on the range, chipping, putting, on the course, or in the bar, there is nowhere in the UK where I’d rather be. If you fancy a game give me a shout or if you want to discuss anything regarding the club come say hi. I’m always here to chat and listen.

Ladies Club Captain

Sarah Jolly

I was born in Cardiff but I'm an 'Old Newburian' because I've lived in Newbury since I was a child and I'm now getting on a bit!

Locally schooled, my two younger sisters and I played all sports. I loved netball and athletics and competed at both county and regional level.
Mum and Dad played golf and organised junior girls coaching at Newbury & Crookham where the pro, 'Uncle' Jack Hughes coached us. My sister to professional level and me to a mid range handicap which held me in good stead for later years.

I have three sons and for several years I ran a cub pack and worked at Falkland Primary School, outward bounding with them in North Wales. My boys played cricket at Falkland CC and I became an ECB level 1 cricket coach...as you do.

I retired last year and have never been so busy, particularly since the arrival of my beautiful granddaughter.

I am honoured to be the Lady Vice Captain at Donnington Grove and look forward to supporting Helen in what I'm sure will be a great golfing year.

Seniors Captain

Steve Warren

I am a Cornishman who has lived in the lovely Newbury area for more than 30 years. We moved in 1993, when the head office team at English China Clays was relocated from St Austell to the new business park at Theale. In 1997 I joined the Smiths Industries head office team based in London, which meant long daily commutes.
I started playing golf in my early fifties when my reducing work commitments meant that I had the opportunity to take up a hobby.
Golf is a very addictive sport! It presents the golfer with the constant challenge of trying to improve your game, one measure of which is the World Handicap System (WHS) handicap. There are the health benefits of exercise (it’s a long walk!) and socialising with fellow golfers, plus the mental challenge of trying each time to make that perfect shot, which I mostly fail to do!
At Donnington Grove there is a vibrant Seniors membership with lots of friendly and fun competitions to enter and enjoy. I’d be delighted if you could join me for a round of golf. Our ethos is to have fun!
It is an honour to be the Seniors Captain for the 2024/25 golfing year and I look forward to another enjoyable year’s golf at Donnington Grove.

Competitions Secetry

Steve Lillywhite

Club Committee 2025

Club President Andy Storer
Club Captain Kieran Watson
Ladies Captain Sarah Jolly
Seniors’ Captain Steve Warren

Other committee members:

Club Vice Captain Kevin Bale

Ladies Vice Captain Juliet Culley

Seniors Vice Captain John Headland

Competition Secretary Steve Lillywhite

Handicaps Paul Greening

Club Treasurer Gill Lane

Members rep - Giles Bennet

Members rep - Nigel Thorne

Also attending meetings, representing owners Sandtrend, General Manager , Dave Knight Head Greenkeeper and Head Professional and Golf Manager Tom Fleming as well as a member of the restaurant staff.
The committee oversees all aspects of member’s golf at Donnington Grove and is there to represent member’s best interests in the on-going relationship with the course owners.

Monthly meetings are chaired by the Club Captain with each committee member having a vote. The exceptions are the management reps and the non-voting President, who is there to ensure continuity and provide strategic guidance to the committee. The minutes of the monthly meetings are available online to view under Committee Minutes.

The agenda of the Club A.G.M. (held once a year)
is also available, along with the minutes of the previous A.G.M., on the club website below. Members will naturally be interested in what’s happening out on the course and any changes that are being planned by the owners. News items provide useful updates, but the regular email Newsletters updates provided by Tom Fleming, and the management report and course report contained in the Committee minutes, provides a wider and more detailed perspective. Please have a look.

The committee is fully accountable to you, the members, but it is also responsible for maintaining the discipline, plus the standards and etiquette of the club, therefore we ask members to have a look at the information found here on the website, especially on, the Donnington Grove Code of Conduct and club constitution, and to abide by these at all time.

If you have any ideas or issues that you would like to put forward to the committee then please contact any committee member direct as listed above or email via the Club Captain and the Club President on committee@donnington-grove.com

If you would like to become involved in the running of the Committee, please contact Andy by e-mail committee@donnington-grove.com or speak to him around the club.

As members of this club we are very fortunate as we have a superb club committee. As your club captains and club president we are dedicated to serving the best interests of all members and united in our passion and determination to make this year the best ever at Donnington Grove. With a little help from you, our members, we’ll make it happen!

Handicap Secretary

Paul Greening

Club Treasurer

Gill Lane

Donnington Grove Constitution

Donnington Grove Constitution revised 2021

DG Committee Minutes

Committee Minutes Jan 2024
Committee Minutes Feb 2024
Committee Minutes March 2024
Committee Minutes April 2024
Committee Minutes May 2024
Committee Minutes June 2024
Committee Minutes July 2024
Committee Minutes Aug 2024
Committee Minutes Sept 2024
Committee Minutes Oct 2024
Committee Minutes Nov 2024
Committee Minutes Dec 2024
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29.01.2025 07:09
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